How to love yourself

Throughout life, we juggle multiple relationships with family, friends, co-workers and romantic partners. However, we often forget to nurture the most important relationship - the one with ourselves.

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself. While it can look different to each person, it generally encompasses being kind to yourself — not only in the way you treat yourself but also in your thoughts and feelings about yourself

Honouring yourself is the first step in a lifelong journey to nurturing personal growth and learning to manage adversity as it allows us to:

🌟Have an overall positive view of ourselves 
💪Build resilience against stress 
🫶Better equip ourselves to foster healthy and fulfilling relationships 

Here are 3 practices that can help each of us be more loving toward ourselves:

😌 Practice self-care: This can be something as simple as attending to our fundamental needs such as eating well, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep or taking part in activities that bring us joy and recharge our energy.
🙅 Set healthy boundaries: Respect your limits and learn to say “no” to people, things and experiences that don’t feel good. 
​​🏆Celebrate achievements: Regardless of how big or small your accomplishments are, acknowledging your efforts can boost self-esteem.

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