Calm Circles Lite @ CalmCon

What’s Calm Circles Lite?

A light version of our monthly Calm Circles, Calm Circles Lite is a safe space for CalmCon attendees to build connections with one another. Participants can join any group and chat with other attendees and our facilitators on a wide range of topics from“Relationships” to“Work Stress”, (think ClubHouse vibes!) 

Who’s it for?

Anyone! Whether you’re a working professional, a student or someone interested in CalmCon events, you are welcome to join the conversations.

How does it work?

Attendees are free to join any of the following groups on the AirMeet Lounge: 

  • ‘Relationships’

  • ‘Finances’

  • ‘Work Stress’

  • ‘Mental Health Conditions’

  • ‘Personal Growth’

  • ‘Professional Growth’

  • ‘Anything Goes’

Some questions we will explore:

  1. What does self-care look like to you?

  2. What are you grateful for? 

  3. What have you learned about yourself recently? / What is something about yourself that you’d like to work on?

    1. Who or what inspires you?

  4. What are you worried about? / What is a challenge you’re facing?

    1. What has helped you in dealing with this?

    2. What kind of support do you think you need?

  5. What would you like to leave in the past?

    1. Looking forward, what do you hope will happen in your life?

While you are free to leave anytime, we encourage you to stick to a table that interests you. This gives you sufficient time to interact with attendees at your table. No pressure - you are welcome to just listen in, too! 

Each table has two facilitators from the Calm Collective Team, who are trained by our in-house psychologist Zi Yi. 

Below is a snapshot of how the platform looks:

When is it held? 

Timing: Saturday 13 November, 1pm- 1.30pm

Venue: AirMeet Lounge

I’m interested! How do I sign up?

You can sign up for CalmCon here! There is no separate ticket for Calm Circles Lite; just remember to drop by the Lounge at 12:45 pm SGT on 13 November!


Meet our CalmCon Speakers: Triston Francis


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