Signs of Recovery

So, you’ve taken that brave step out of your comfort zone. You’ve stepped up for your mental health. You’ve made positive changes that you should be proud of. But, how do you know if you are recovering? What are some signs? 

This blog will highlight a few signs of recovery. Naturally, this will differ from individual to individual and this list is far from exhaustive. Recovery takes time and the most important thing is to celebrate the changes - regardless of how small they are. Also, remember to embrace where you have reached.

Sign 1: A more positive outlook and better hold of emotions

Have you noticed increased enthusiasm about doing things lately, maybe a new hobby you’ve found joy in? Have you been able to think more positively and let go of negative emotions easier? If so, congratulations, you are one step closer to recovery!

Positive thinking is a common sign of recovery that is easy to identify. While it may not always be possible to have a positive outlook, even keeping your emotions in control can be considered a sign of recovery.

Sign 2: A more abundant social life

A common symptom of someone struggling with their mental health is shutting themselves out from the world. Those struggling may have the misconception that they will be shunned and that once they open up, people will distance themselves. That’s not always true! Many people will empathize and support you on this journey - it’s just about finding the right ones. 

Also, ask yourself if you’ve been developing healthier relationships lately - are you making more friends? Do you feel less lonely? Creating healthy relationships or strengthening your current ones is definitely a sign of recovery. 

Sign 3: Increased satisfaction with your treatment plan

If you are undergoing treatment or seeking professional help, do you feel satisfied? Are you comfortable with it? If the treatment plan is working, you are making strides toward recovery. At the same time, if you need to change your treatment plan because you’re not making progress, make sure to do so under professional supervision. After all, it’s about becoming the best version of yourself.

As mentioned above, these are just three of the many identifiable signs of recovery. Everyone’s journey is different - from the struggle to recovery. If you are on the recovery journey, we’re here for you. Know that you’re not alone and remember to celebrate the wins - they all add up. 


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