Thank you 2021, for the lessons you’ve taught me

Goodbye, 2021!

The last Calm Circle ended with participants and facilitators writing an email to their future selves. To wrap up this year, with all its highs and lows, the session was a safe space for participants to reflect on 2021. Having written some of my own, I thought this is a good opportunity to share my biggest lessons learnt this year.

  1. Some things in life are out of my control

    COVID being one of them. When the insufferable virus hit in early 2020, I thought it would not last for long. Alas, 2021 ended with most of us feeling stuck and trapped in the same situation. Somehow, I began to realise that COVID was inevitable and slowly grew to accept that. It was not a defeatist conclusion but knowing that despite all that had happened over the past 2 years, despite the countless things COVID took away from me, I can live on and my life will still be alright. This brings me to my next learning point.

  2. Well-being is so, so crucial.

    Otherwise, I will not be at Calm Collective Asia spreading this message to as many people out there. We are living, breathing beings that run on biological mechanisms that will not last for long if not taken care of. Physical health- moving about, eating well and sleeping right; mental health- giving yourself space, managing your emotions, communicating and fulfilling your needs; all these are what we need to survive and thrive. I am still struggling to consistently take care of myself but this will be a focus for 2022.

  3. Acknowledging my mistakes and weaknesses.

    This was a big wake-up call when a professor left a comment on my university work, “You’re coming from a mindset of lack. Instead, consider looking at it from a mindset of abundance and growth.” I was stunned. I remember being extremely defensive- since when was I self-limiting? I’ve always been pushing myself and opening myself up to new opportunities. However, I soon realised that she was telling the truth. I was indeed subconsciously setting traps to cage myself in. Thoughts such as ‘not enough money, I don’t have what it takes, and I can only go about doing this one way’ frequently flitted through my mind on a daily basis. Hence, I’ve begun looking at my life from a different light that envisions more possibilities such as ‘Just go for it, Yes, there may be limitations but I can overcome them and I will try rather than spend the rest of my life regretting’. A growth mindset works wonders.

  4. I had a major change in perspective towards work

    Ever since joining Calm Collective Asia (Shoutout to Sabrina, Alyssa and the team for this opportunity!), I’ve had a change in perspective towards work. Along with my past work experiences, I grew up with the mindset that work is something I don’t really enjoy but is tolerable; work is draining and tough but somehow worth it as I am remunerated financially. At Calm Collective Asia, it is an experience with a 180 degrees difference. Work is fun; it brings me fulfilment and purpose; it’s challenging but I grow and learn so much from it. For once, I am proud to be part of where I work. 

There you have it. My main takeaways from 2021- a year of much personal growth, life transitions and burnout from juggling study, work and external commitments. 

As 2022 nears us, we will be welcoming the year with a Calm Circle on 11 January, 8  pm-9.30 pm. With our psychologist and a team of trained facilitators, this intimate and peer-sharing circle will allow you to focus on setting intentions and expressing gratitude. Sign up here! With that… 

Hello, 2022!


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