Ways to Build Your Self-confidence After Getting Laid Off

With the ever changing job landscape, retrenchment has become even more prominent in recent times. While some of us are lucky to not have to go through such an ordeal, a handful of us are unfortunately forced to face such a situation. 

It can be agonising to go through a major setback in life when your source of income suddenly gets removed. Coupled with uncertainties of the future, it can be both stressful and traumatic not knowing when you are able to secure another job.

Despite the challenges we may face, it is important to find ways to cope with the pressure. While it is unclear how the future might unfold, here are some ways to keep your chin up and embrace what’s next. 

Take Time to Relax 

Accepting that now you have more time to dedicate to yourself and your loved ones, it is good to make use of this opportunity to unwind. Quality time and engaging conversations with people who matter could be exactly what you need to de-stress and move away from the negativity. A proper relaxation time can go a long way as it helps clear your mind as you build up your next move. Remember to not rush things and use this time to continue exploring your options instead. 

Listing Things Down

For many, securing a new job immediately after getting laid-off seems to be the most obvious recourse. However, it is advisable to spend some time to really look into specific job scopes and responsibilities you would like to delve into for your future role. This allows you to have a thorough understanding of your personal likes and dislikes, and strengths and weaknesses that you could bring forth to your next position. Listing down these characteristics also serves as a good throwback of projects you have handled over the years and professional relationships you have built to truly have a wider perspective of your own capabilities. It is ideal to highlight the positive and impactful results you have contributed and use this to your advantage as a confidence booster. Remember that sometimes, losing a job is not about you being incompetent but rather, due to other uncontrollable external reasons by your former company.

Keep Things Fun 

As with any job search, you can expect the next few weeks or even months to be filled with various interview opportunities. Use this time to accurately anticipate and prepare your answers to best align with the positions you have applied for. To make things fun, you could also position yourself both as an interviewer and interviewee for a more strategic roleplay. Additionally, now that you have a more flexible schedule, you can also maximise your time to do activities that you have always wanted to do. Sign up for that dancing class, visit that cafe for brunch or up-skill your potential through online courses – the ball is on your court! 


From an employee to being unemployed – This drastic transition can definitely take a toll on one’s confidence. Sometimes it is easier to cave into the stress as we forgo other alternatives during this trying period. How we adapt and conquer the situation is important in ensuring we are able to move on to greener pastures. Do you have your own methods on staying confident and composed?


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