4 key lessons to #NormaliseMentalHealth

During Mental Health Awareness Month in May, Calm Collective ran #NormaliseMentalHealth, a LinkedIn campaign to encourage individuals to share how they are taking action for their mental health, in hopes of empowering others to do the same.

This campaign has highlighted some crucial insights about mental health, its stigmas, and the steps we can take towards a more supportive and understanding society. Here’s a round-up of what we’ve learned from the voices of our community.

1. The power of inclusive language in mental health conversations

Language wields incredible power. It shapes our perceptions, influences attitudes, and fosters understanding or perpetuates stigma. Shifting towards empathetic communication can help create a more supportive environment, profoundly impacting an individual’s well-being and willingness to seek help.

2. Face and process our emotions, not avoid them.

Facing and processing our emotions is essential. Avoidance can lead to a buildup of stress and unresolved trauma, exacerbating mental health issues. By confronting our feelings, we can better understand and manage them, fostering emotional resilience and overall well-being. Additionally, processing emotions allows us to move forward with greater clarity and self-awareness, improving our ability to cope with future challenges.

3. You don’t have to go through your healing journey alone

The impact of community and collective efforts on mental health cannot be overstated. Communities serve as a vital source of social connection and a sense of belonging, offering us a supportive network to navigate challenges, unite to tackle issues and rejoice in life's simple joys.

Friendship is also crucial to our mental and emotional well-being, so don’t be afraid to lean on your friends for support. Rely on your friends who can offer support and companionship while navigating life's challenges with you.

4. Be kind to yourself

Last but not least, as we continue to reflect on these impactful stories shared, let’s remember that being kind to ourselves (and others) is a crucial part of the journey towards mental well-being. 

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