Feeling lonely in a crowd?

As human beings, we thrive on social interaction. We share our joys and sorrows with others, regardless of whether we are introverted or extroverted. Research shows that strong social connections act as an important buffer, protecting our mental well-being and boosting resilience.

But sometimes, even when surrounded by loved ones, we can feel profoundly alone. This isn't the loneliness of being physically isolated. It's a deeper disconnect – feeling unheard, misunderstood, or overwhelmed by life's challenges. It's that nagging sense that no one truly gets you.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. This inner loneliness is more common than you might think, and it can take a toll on your mental well-being. Being able to cope with these feelings of loneliness as they arise can help to minimise the odds of it lingering and aggravating.

Here are 3 ways to cope with inner loneliness:

😌 Self-care & distraction: Eat well, exercise, go outside, and do things you enjoy. Take breaks from stress, including social media. Busy yourself with a new hobby or volunteering.

💭 Look inward: Acknowledge your feelings and relinquish control over what you can't change. Remind yourself of your worth and that you are loved.

🤝 Reach out: Deepen existing friendships by having vulnerable conversations. Join Calm Circles to build new connections or consider speaking with a professional if needed.

Remember, feeling lonely from time to time is a natural part of the human experience. It's a signal that we crave connection and belonging. But just like any other emotion, we don't want loneliness to overstay its welcome. Embrace loneliness as a reminder to reach out and reconnect with yourself.

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