Job Vacancy: Practitioner of human well-being

“There may be work to be done. When is there not work to be done? [But] as a practitioner of meditation, it’s up to us to assert our right to be free: to be a simple human enjoying being alive on a beautiful planet.” - Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet

Dear Friends,

How have you been? Hope this finds you peaceful and well.

I sat down for a quiet time this morning at home to reflect on recent events like the war in Ukraine and took time to get in touch with some friends who are struggling mentally amidst overly busy lives. 

As I sat, it gradually occurred to me that many of us struggle mentally, not because there is something wrong with us, but because there is simply not enough time, space, and community warmth to rest, compost and transform our challenges into soil and grow flowers. Circulation is blocked by the cholesterol of busyness. There is simply not enough time and space to create and explore how to live out the greatest expectation we have: To be truly happy.

Given that, I would like to bring awareness to a precious, sacred job opportunity that our society is offering. There are so many vacancies and the need is great. Look inside, look around, can you see the job advertisements? 

Job Title:  Practitioner of Human Well-being

Location: Right where you are, in your local community

Position: Full-time, Life-time (Can be integrated into paid work if necessary)


  • To stop being busy, stop running. 

  • To be an example of someone living a happy, simple life, with enough time and space to enjoy being alive, touch the wonders of life deeply, take good care of suffering, and be there for others.

  • Practice daily reverence for life, treasuring non-violence, building the habit of gentleness towards yourself, your loved ones, and the living ecology that supports our lives.

  • Practice daily generosity, recognizing and accepting all that has been gifted, and in return gratefully giving your time, your presence and your support to those less fortunate.

  • Practice daily true love, growing your capacity for kindness, compassion and joy. Exercising and expanding your heart to include all around you, including yourself.

  • Practice daily building a beloved community, by speaking impeccably, listening deeply, growing understanding, being present and patient for yourself and others.

  • Practice daily healthy and mindful consumption, nourishing your body with good edible food, nourishing your other senses with wholesome impressions, and your mind with good intentions. 

  • Practice daily the art of suffering with like-minded friends, learning together how to suffer well, to heal and transform yourself and others.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Suffering: You must have faced and experienced significant ill-being in your life. The more challenges you have faced, the more compost you have, and the more you are able to recognize what true well-being is. Also, this helps you better empathise with others.  If you are going or have gone through difficulty, you may be just the one we are looking for.

  • Feeling fed-up: You have a feeling of “I’ve had enough.”, or “I have suffered enough.” There is a deep aspiration to wake up and change your life, for the sake of your loved ones, for the sake of yourself, or for the sake of the planet. 

  • Sensitivity: You can sense the systemic injustice, the pain, the meanness, the suffering of people, animals, and perhaps even the planet, around you. Status quo will not do. 

  • Loneliness: You feel disconnected at times, because there is fear that staying connected will be too overwhelming. But you don’t feel like a victim: you want to connect with genuine friends and do something, be something together.


  • No money: With the commitment to a simple life, this job comes with no monetary benefits. BUT…

  • Gift Economy: With the commitment to generosity, this job will come with reciprocal gifts and sharing from the community, from basic needs to gifts beyond one’s imagination.  

  • Community and Refuge: Good practitioners will be rewarded with a safe community of fellow practitioners and friends that your heart can trust and take refuge in for help in the hardest times. This is something very rare and cannot be bought in these times.

  • Happiness: Good practitioners will be rewarded with a profound sense of meaning and happiness.

  • Saving the Planet: Communities of practitioners of Well-being will have a direct impact on peace, on a healthy planet, and hence a future for our children.


If this job speaks to your heart, please start work and be a Practitioner of Well-being immediately. If you like, you can also write a short letter sharing your interest and qualifications to the Calm Collective team at If conditions are sufficient, we will be in touch to bring everyone together.

Thank you dear friends, the above is for your consideration. Several years ago, some friends and I chose this job, and never looked back. Join us? :)

With gratitude and love,



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