Field guide: self-care tips for reopening season

Self-care during this season goes beyond our favourite sheet masks or scented candles. Feeling overwhelmed? We’re here to help. Recognize that seasons of change (even good ones!) require time and intentionality to acclimatize. Surprisingly, even positive changes can bring on stress and anxiety. Our wellness guide below includes hacks to help you navigate this season with grace.

1. Space out your social calendar.

It’s no secret that we've all experienced a degree of FOMO these past two years. With mandated restrictions and streamlined social circles, we’ve retreated into a collective cocoon. Suddenly everyone’s rushing out and Sunday brunch is back with a force. Perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of self-care is learning to advocate for your mental wellness through setting social boundaries. 

While there’s no better feeling than reconnecting with different friend groups you haven’t seen in a while, don’t feel the need to meet everyone at once. RSVP-ing to every invite can lead to social burn-out and fatigue—whether virtually or in person. Stagger your social commitments and create a margin for yourself by prioritizing rest, exercise, and life admin during the week. 

2. Find creative ways to decompress.

Discern the difference between activities that reward and recharge. For instance, if you find yourself spending the weekend binge-watching Bridgerton on Netflix with an arsenal of snacks—an all too familiar routine during the pandemic—consider how you feel after lounging. While you’ve earned the right to chill, do you feel rested and ready to take on a new week? Or drained and lethargic? 

Consider dusting the crumbs off your couch after a couple of episodes, and call up a buddy. Put on the athleisure that you’ve bought during the lockdown and head out for a walk in the many green spaces the city has to offer. Spending time in nature, or forest bathing is both a fitness trend and mindfulness practice that is a salve to our weary and screen-filled souls. Movement is healing for the mind and body. Need some #fitspo? Gardens by the bay or Southern Ridges offer both vibes and views.  

3. Establish new rhythms of grace.

Routine can be stabilizing during seasons of change. Cultivating a mindful morning routine can help set the tone for the day, leading to more creativity and productivity. While a 6 am spin class is one way to boost your wellness routine, start small with intentional shifts that make an impact. It can be as simple as starting your day with a coffee or matcha ritual or 5 minutes with a meditation app. 

Sleep hygiene is equally important for a restful state of mind. This includes having the discipline to switch off your devices (or at least put them on airplane mode!) during your evening unwind. Trade your evening TikTok routine for an old-fashioned book, or some yoga stretches—with lavender-infused tea on the side. 

4. Spend time with yourself to process the change.

Consider establishing a weekly routine to help ground yourself. Journaling with a Spotify playlist can help create an oasis of calm. Spend some time reflecting on the highlights and lowlights of the week as you mentally prepare yourself for the next. Having something to look forward to—such as brainstorming goals for upcoming personal projects or future travel plans, can help create momentum to move forward.

5. Talk it out!

Seeking social support is part of holistic self-care. While confiding in friends and family is fundamental, sometimes we need a little extra support during a season of transition. Consider investing in therapy or joining online groups such as Calm Circles to expand your community. Taking the time to process and externalize your feelings in a safe space can give you the courage to fully embrace change.

Read more stories by Sandy Young here.


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