Personal Journeys Dr Karen P Personal Journeys Dr Karen P

Practising mindful self-compassion saved me

As human beings, it is inevitable to feel a sense of inadequacy. When we are going through difficult times, we may notice we tend to be more critical of ourselves versus how we would treat other people in similar situations.

In this article, Karen shares with us her discovery with mindful self-compassion and how it provided her emotional strength to deal with a toxic work environment that was putting her down.

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Tips & Resources Carolyn Chandra Tips & Resources Carolyn Chandra

How to: Self-Care

Maybe you’ve had a rough week, or are feeling overwhelmed with lots of work and back-to-back meetings. With an endless to-do list – paying bills, catching up with friends, doing chores – it seems like there isn’t ever time for ourselves. Our social battery only lasts so long, and our physical and emotional health can only tolerate so much! We need to take time to focus on ourselves, so we don’t easily feel emotionally, socially, or physically drained.

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Browse by Category

  • Personal Journeys

    You are not alone: Read personal journeys and experiences by the Calm Collective community navigating their mental health issues.

  • Workplace Wellbeing

    Research has shown that productivity in the workplace is linked to mental wellness. Learn how to foster improved well-being and increased resilience as an individual and as a team player.

  • Tips and Resources

    Your mind is the window to your body and soul - be sure it receives proper nourishment! Discover top tips and resources to take care of your mental wellbeing.


    In case you missed it: Round-ups and recaps of past mental health conversations on our talks, podcasts and more!

  • Mental Health Musings

    Individuals express themselves in different ways — and we’re all for it! Read some artistic contributions by the Calm Collective community — through poetry, narratives, and more.