Don’t let negativity from others drain you

We've all encountered negative people in our lives – whether it’s the coworker who constantly complains, the friend who sees only the downside, or the relative who never stops criticising. These interactions can zap away your energy and leave you feeling discouraged.

 Although it's impossible to avoid negative people entirely, you can take steps to protect your emotions and well-being.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

⭕️ Set boundaries: Saying "no" is not selfish — it’s essential. Establish clear limits to protect your emotional space and prevent negativity from overwhelming you.

🗣️ Communicate assertively: Express your needs and concerns clearly and respectfully, without becoming aggressive or passive.

🤺 Choose your battles: Not every conflict is worth engaging in. Learn when to stand firm and when to step back — sometimes letting go is a wiser choice.

😌 Prioritise self-care: Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

🚶 Know when to walk away: Sometimes the healthiest decision is to distance yourself from toxic relationships. Recognise when it’s time to distance yourself for the sake of your mental health.

Remember: you have the power to choose how you respond to negativity. By practising these tips, you can navigate challenging relationships with grace and resilience, safeguarding your own mental and emotional health.

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