How are you really doing?

As the year winds down and we gear up for the holiday season, let’s pause to check in with our mental health. Reflecting on your emotions and responses to life’s challenges can help you uncover what supports or hinders your well-being.

Here are 6 questions to guide your self-reflection:

💬 How am I feeling?

Name your emotions – stressed, calm, overwhelmed, content, or something else entirely? Be honest.

👍 What's working for me?

Identify the things that bring you joy, peace, and a sense of fulfilment.

👎 What isn't working for me?

Are any situations, relationships, or habits draining your energy?

🤲 What do I need right now?

It could be rest, connection with loved ones, creative expression, or setting boundaries.

🥰 What am I proud of?

Take stock of what you’ve accomplished or overcome, and acknowledge your resilience.

👋 What can I let go of?

Consider what thoughts, habits or grudges you no longer need to carry. 

Remember, checking in with your mental health is an ongoing practice. Make time for self-reflection throughout the year to nurture your well-being.

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