Make your workplace mental health-friendly

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health issues contribute to approximately US$1 trillion in lost productivity each year. Mental health is not just an individual's concern; it is a shared responsibility that requires the involvement of every individual and organization. 

What you can do as an individual to support mental health at work: 

💬 Use inclusive language: Respect and acknowledge the diversity of human experiences, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and supporting psychological safety, making it easier for colleagues to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. 

👂 Practice active listening: By giving your full attention in conversations, and demonstrating empathy, you can help create a supportive atmosphere where all team members feel valued and heard.

🚧 Set and respect boundaries: Manage workloads and respect others' time and space, to ensure a balanced and healthy work environment.

 What employers and organisations can do to support mental health at work:

⛑️ Cultivate psychological safety: Foster an environment where employees feel safe to express themselves freely, fostering innovation and resilience. Psychological safety is the foundation for a culture where mental health can thrive. 

🤝 Implement peer support network: Develop systems for employees to offer mutual support in a structured, confidential setting. Peer support can lessen feelings of isolation, enhancing the sense of community within the workplace.

Lead by example: Leaders can set a positive tone and destigmatize mental health by prioritizing it, seeking support, and sharing personal experiences. 

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