Are you able to “unplug” from work?

Ever find yourself checking emails in bed or replaying work scenarios in your head when you should be relaxing? Many of us find it hard to “unplug” from work entirely, especially in our hyper-connected world. However, chronic work stress can seriously impact our physical health, mental health, and our productivity in the long run.

Here are some tips to help you mentally disconnect when it’s time to recharge:

🔕 Turn off work-related notifications after working hours

⭕️ Communicate your boundaries clearly and respectfully

🚶 Create a ‘shutdown ritual’ to mark the end of your work day, especially if you’re working remotely (e.g. going for a walk)

💻 Keep your work-related items away (e.g. laptop, briefcase)

📋 Remember that you will never finish everything on your to-do list

Switching off won't happen overnight, but little by little, you can reclaim your personal time, take care of your physical health and mental health, and bring a more focused, refreshed you to work.

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