Tips & Resources Yuri Yamanouchi Tips & Resources Yuri Yamanouchi

Calm Collective Picks: Mental Health Memoirs and Non-Fiction Reads

The beauty of memoirs lies in seeing your own experiences mirrored in a text, or being able to gain insight to and learn about another’s. Non-fiction, on the other hand, teaches, elucidates, and elicits that “aha” moment. To YY, seeing her thoughts and feelings articulated so beautifully in a book, made her feel more informed about why we sometimes think the way we do. In this article, she shares her good reads and recommendations.

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  • Personal Journeys

    You are not alone: Read personal journeys and experiences by the Calm Collective community navigating their mental health issues.

  • Workplace Wellbeing

    Research has shown that productivity in the workplace is linked to mental wellness. Learn how to foster improved well-being and increased resilience as an individual and as a team player.

  • Tips and Resources

    Your mind is the window to your body and soul - be sure it receives proper nourishment! Discover top tips and resources to take care of your mental wellbeing.


    In case you missed it: Round-ups and recaps of past mental health conversations on our talks, podcasts and more!

  • Mental Health Musings

    Individuals express themselves in different ways — and we’re all for it! Read some artistic contributions by the Calm Collective community — through poetry, narratives, and more.