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Embracing Neurodiversity at Work
Despite significant progress in recognising the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workforce today, there’s still a lack of awareness and lingering stigma surrounding neurodiversity. This gap presents a challenge towards creating a truly inclusive workplace for all.
Debunking myths about Psychosis
There are many misunderstandings that surround psychosis, and it does not help that the media often perpetuates many of these. One, for instance, is that people who have psychosis are dangerous, and that they need to be locked away. We’re going to debunk some of these myths, but first, let’s look at some basic facts about psychosis.
Crazy-in-limerence: How having a crush can affect your mental health
Psychologist Dorothy Tennov coined the term limerence in the 1970s. It describes the state of when we have powerful romantic feelings for someone we hope will feel the same way. Limerence is about wanting to be loved back even if it's not mutual, like a crush that occupies our thoughts while love means caring for others.
Why start a workplace peer support program?
Implementing a peer support program within an organisation offers a multitude of advantages, significantly impacting both employees and businesses. These benefits can include enhancing employee well-being, productivity, and employee retention.
How to Do a Dopamine "Detox"
The basic idea of a dopamine detox, according to the trend, is taking a break from these dopamine triggers for a set amount of time, whether for a few days to weeks, and focusing on slower, more mindful activities to “reset” the amount of dopamine in one’s brain. It might sound convincing enough, but is that the whole truth to it?
How to manage your anxious attachment style
In the realm of love and relationships, understanding our attachment styles is a crucial step towards creating healthier and more fulfilling connections. If you identify with an anxious attachment style, characterised by a deep desire for closeness and intimacy with your romantic partner, but occasional fears that your partner may not reciprocate the same level of closeness, fear not. This article is dedicated to providing valuable insights and practical strategies to help you navigate your anxious attachment style with compassion and empowerment.
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