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Unpacking common misconceptions about D&I
At its core, D&I encompasses the collective efforts of an organisation to create a more welcoming environment for its employees. While the definition of D&I may seem simple, it can often be misconstrued as an exclusive movement for ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ community.
How does D&I support mental health?
During our recent talk, ‘How does D&I support wellbeing at work?’ - our panellists, shared how D&I can complement an organisation’s mental health efforts. Here’s a roundup of the important lessons based on the discussion
How Should Leaders Support Mental Health at Work?
As mental health issues have risen in and out of the workplace, many leaders have realised the importance of addressing mental health in order to safeguard success in the endemic. In this article, Kathik reflects on some of the important takeaways from this talk.
Overcoming job search anxiety
The search for employment can be exciting but it is also often times stressful and overwhelming, which can trigger job search anxiety. This can bring about side effects that might negatively impact your progress. Here are some coping strategies that may help you deal with anxiety as you seek new employment
Dealing with imposter syndrome at work: A millennial’s two cents
Ever felt like you were in a role-playing game venturing into the unknown and tackling missions which require you to be more resourceful than you are? Do you recognise the feeling of not knowing everything you “should" already know at work? How about the feeling of being a little child in an adult’s body?
How to deal with job interview anxiety
Heart palpitations. Sweaty palms. Overwhelming thoughts about your impending rejection. Sound familiar? If they do, you’re not alone. Many people feel the same way about job interviews, and if you’d like to appear as a confident, capable candidate, you will need to learn how to control your nerves before they control you.
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