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Dealing with imposter syndrome at work: A millennial’s two cents
Ever felt like you were in a role-playing game venturing into the unknown and tackling missions which require you to be more resourceful than you are? Do you recognise the feeling of not knowing everything you “should" already know at work? How about the feeling of being a little child in an adult’s body?
ADHD in adults: Can a struggle also be a superpower?
Many of us think of ADHD as a childhood condition — which is typically when it is diagnosed. However, it can be diagnosed in adults too and it is, in fact, a lifelong condition that you don’t outgrow. This article gives an inside look at what it’s like to be an adult with ADHD and how to thrive with it.
Gaming & Mental Health
Is gaming always bad? Gaming has been an interesting field of study for researchers in recent years. In this article, Ibrahim gives a holistic view of how gaming affects the brain while emphasising on the need to go beyond the dichotomy of gaming presented as a good or bad thing.
What is it like to take medication for your mental health?
The stigma associated with taking psychiatric medication continues to persist, posing a barrier for people to seek mental health treatment. In this article, we asked two members in our volunteer community about their experience with medication, in hopes of demystifying concerns and questions that you might be having around the effects and effectiveness of medication on mental health.
Coping with the stress of competition in sports
No matter how much we love the sport we play, there will be moments where the stress and adrenaline kick in. In this article, Ming Hui shares about how he learnt to cope with stress in competitive sports during his four years of competitive shooting.
What stoics taught me about mental health
“If my emotions are uncontrollable, how do I go back to a time when I could control them?” As an actor, Mika was taught that controlling emotions was an essential life skill. However, when they spun out of control, she started to experience dips in her mental health. In this article, she talks about how she returned to a state of calmness, yet embracing the ups and downs of life that are completely and perfectly human.
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